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"I see my life in terms of music." - Albert Einstein

Klaus Lang

Klaus Lang is a prolific composer, with many operas, a requiem, an oratorium, music theatre pieces, vocal pieces and chamber works. He has enjoyed a wonderful and busy career as a freelance composer and concert organist in Berlin and Steirisch Laßnitz, receiving numerous commissions from all the major European Festivals and performance bodies. He loves tea and numbers and dislikes lawnmowers and Richard Wagner.
Klaus Lang’s music is not a means to convey extramusical contents, such as emotions, philosophical or religious ideas, political propaganda, etc… His music is no language used to communicate non-musical content. Music is seen as a free and selfstanding acoustical object. In his work he is not using sound, sound is explored and given the opportunity to unfold its inherent rich beauties. Only when sound is just sound it is percievable as that what it really is: a temporal phenomenon – audible time.